Guest why? Give up?...I tell you why...
The month of May is so special in Malaysia because of the "Day". There are too many "Day" in this month.
The "Day" in May...
1 May - Labour Day
2 May - World Freedom of Press Day
6 May - Asthma Day (Got such day huh?)
7 May - Havoc day for Perak State Assembly
9 May - Wesak Day
10 May - Mother's Day (This one I like...Happy Mother's Day Mum..Love..Muah)
- also "Lupus" Day ...Lupus...the name of the sickness I guess
12 May - World Nurse Day
13 May - Sensitive day in Malaysia (find out why yourself..
15 May - Youth Day
16 May - Teacher's Day
17 May - Telecomunication Day and IT Day, Hypertension Day and errrr...this is very special My Birth "Day"
19 May - World Hepatitis Day
25 May - Ha ha... I love this one too..Pay Day and last but not least...
29 May - World Digestion and Health Day
See...that is why the month of May is so special...Ah May...I didn't mention your name hah...
P/s : I dun know whether I got the name of the day correct or not.Direct translation from Bahasa Malaysia huhu..

Still waiting for my bonus which is suppose to be paid in May....huaaaaaaah