We were on our way to Selayang, Selangor...school holidays...my kids wanna go to their grandma's house.
Buckle up I said to Izzat and Shaheera...my kids. Please fasten you seat belt. Izzat ignored my instruction. I explained to him that these seat belts are made not for show. Apart from our own safety...we need to abide to the rules and regulation set by the law maker.
I drove on and Izzat still don't want to fasten his seat belt. Wah! "Police ahead" I said. Knowing that police will take action against wrongdoer...Izzat quickly fasten his seat belt.
I drove on and overtook the police patrol car. Izzat was looking at the police car and this word come out from his mouth "Hey...the policemen were not wearing their seat belt either"....
Arrgggghhh! Shy...Shy...Shy...I need to find a very good answer and quick....
Maybe the policemen had forgotten to fasten his seat belt ...I said to Izzat. I don't know whether he is accepting my excuse. I think...deep in his heart...he would say...being a policemen...you should set an example to the citizen. Kids have a good memory especially the bad one.
To me...rules are made to be broken...but not by the enforcement officer...nevertheless...policemen are also human...and being a human... I forgive this policemen.

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